
I developed an unsupervised ML model that significantly improved the quality control process of silicon wafer manufacturing. Additionally, I created an interactive R Shiny application that allowed engineers to run the model, configure thresholds, and visualize key metrics. The application was deployed internally and used daily by many engineers at the company.

I interned with the Visual Analytics development team at SAS Institute for two summers, where I worked as a developer on SAS Visual Statistics. During my time, I resolved critical defects and contributed to new feature development for the front-end.


I am a Master of Computer Science student at Rice with specialization in Data Science. In Spring 2021, I am a teaching assistant for COMP 680: Statistics and Data Science course. Also, I'm part of Ray Simar's research project on COVID data (hsmap.rice.edu).

  • Coursework: machine learning, deep learning, databases, data visualization, object-oriented programming, cloud computing, parallel computing, probabilistic algorithms, computational finance, and data science consulting.

  • Math/Statistics: Probability, Discrete Math, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Numerical Analysis, Numerical Methods II, Partial Differential Equations, Real Analysis, Complex Variables, Multivariate Models, Applied Statistics, Mathematical Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Applied Regression Analysis.

  • Computer Science: Intro to Programming, Software Design, Databases, Mobile Computing, Scientific Computing, Scientific and Technical Computing, User Experience Design.



  • My favorite sport is soccer. I'm best at playing as a center midfielder and my strength is creating unconventional passes.

  • I like music by Jason Reeves and Ryan Cabrera.
